
Snow removal

The winters here in Maryland range anywhere from mild to brutal. Mother Nature has no limits when it comes to snowfall in Maryland. Some days we might see just half an inch, others we may get a foot or more. 

Either way, it’s important to stay prepared when snow does arrive for your safety and those around you. It’s never a good idea to leave snow unattended on your driveway and walkways. Compacted or unattended snow can lead to extremely dangerous driving conditions, serious falls or slips, and many other preventable accidents. 

Then there’s the fact that you can slip and fall while shoveling and removing snow and severely injure yourself. Let us do the hard work for you!

A lot of our customers simply don’t have the necessary equipment to plow and remove the snow that comes our way. Snow removal equipment can be expensive. If we have 12+ inches of heavy, wet snow, you don’t want to spend your entire day clearing your driveway and walkways with just a snow shovel. You’re going to get tired and potentially hurt yourself. Plus it will take you a ridiculous amount of time clearing it. 

Rasmussen Landscaping LLC is the expert at snow removal because we were born and raised in Maryland. We know how to treat roads and walkways properly and have all the necessary equipment to make it happen safely and quickly, saving you a ton of stressful and potentially dangerous work.

We are very good at watching the weather and keeping track of storms to prepare our crews for any type of inclement weather. We will watch the storm for you and proceed accordingly.  We are dependable and will be there no matter what other factors will arise.

When snow, freezing rain, sleet or other winter conditions strike Maryland, Rasmussen Landscaping LLC has your back, residential or commercial, with our snow removal service.


Rasmussen Landscaping LLC will shovel your walkways. Having a clear path from your home to your driveway is important when you and your family have to leave the house. The longer you leave this unattended, the more ice can build up underneath the snow, causing it to be harder to remove and lead to dangerous walking conditions. No matter how long or wide the path is, we’ll clear it out for you so you and your family can carry on with your day safely. 

In addition to plowing and shoveling your driveway and walkways, we’ll also salt those areas as well. Salt helps prevent slick driving conditions on the roads. It also prevents ice from forming on the walkways. 

Let Rasmussen Landscaping LLC remove all the snow throughout your property and give you your time, energy, and safety back.

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