
Fall leaf removal

As beautiful as the leaves can be changing colors throughout the fall here in Maryland, they can be quite the pest when they fall from the trees and directly onto your property. It seems like the leaves are almost endless at times! 

There are many advantages to cleaning up your leaves ahead of Spring. First, it helps keep your lawn looking clean. When leaves are scattered all over your lawn, it comes across as unorganized and simply not great to look at. Plus if you and your family enjoy playing and using your lawn, they should be cleaned up before winter. 

Leaf Clean Up

Cleaning up your leaves helps keep your lawn in healthy shape. When leaves stay on the ground for too long, they prevent the sunlight from reaching your grass. Smothering your beautiful grass on your lawn with leaves can lead to serious root damage to your lawn, making it very difficult to repair for the long term.

Leaves can also transfer diseases and molds to your lawn. Leaves prevent water evaporation from your lawn. Just like all life, your lawn needs to breathe too. If leaves are left unattended on your lawn for too long, the grass underneath has no way of releasing the moisture, therefore trapping it. The trapped moisture is what will create diseases and molds and other fungi on your lawn. These can also lead to long term lawn damage that will cause you time and money to fix. 

It’s better to get rid of the leaves as early as possible, rather than wait and have a handful of problems build up!

We offer our leaf removal service at Rasmussen Landscaping LLC from November to the end of December. Typically we clean up your property, lawn and yard 2/3 times during the period where leaves fall the most, more or less depending on the amount of leaves that have fallen. We have the necessary equipment to tackle all sized lawns / properties.

This service includes a full clean up of your entire property. We will get rid of all the leaves, sticks and other debris hindering your lawn’s growth. We’ll also cut perennials and ornamental grasses if needed.

Then you have the option afterwards to either keep the leaves for reasons like composting, or have the leaves placed out into the woods, or have us haul them away. 

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